A Conversation with Isabella

Originally gathering a following from social media, Massachusetts native Isabella has cemented herself in Boston’s music scene as a considerable force. First releasing her music in April of 2017, the singer songwriter has been working hard on her debut album as she performs time and time again in Boston’s venues. I sat down with Isabella as she explains her Brazilian roots, her sexuality, releases her new stage name, and more.

UU: So I don’t even know myself – where are you from?

Isabella: Well I was born in Massachusetts, and I’ve lived all over Mass. I’ve also lived in Brazil, so I feel like I’m both from Massachusetts and Brazil.

UU: How has been being from a different country impacted you?

Isabella: A lot, I mean my first language was Portuguese. I’ve lived in America with my parents not having any citizenship when I was younger. I feel like it’s helped me see the world in a broader perspective than just America. It’s really opened my eyes to a lot of cultural differences.

UU: How long did you live there?

Isabella: I just lived there a little over a year, and did the eighth grade there in Espirito Santo. I was specifically in a very small farm village. It was very different than from Boston, but I did go to the city there sometimes.

UU: So you’ve been playing piano since you were five. What was it like growing up with music?

Isabella: As a little kid, I don’t think I appreciated it enough since my mom forced me to take piano lessons. My mom and dad both wanted me to be musical like my father, since he’s a classical flamenco guitarist. At school it was hard because all the kids weren’t practicing an instrument, they were playing with each other. Being musical at home was normal though.

UU: What was the first album you bought?

Isabella: Wow, that’s such a hard question. I definitely remember buying Lady Gaga’s The Fame, and she is one of the most influential people when it comes to my art. I also remember listening to my sister’s albums. They would get really mad at me because I would doodle on their album art on their CDs. One of the one’s I also liked to draw on was Fiona Apple’s Tidal.

UU: Speaking of Lady Gaga, if you go through your old Tweets you can find some really interesting stuff *laughs* So what is your infatuation with Lady Gaga?

Isabella: I don’t know, I just feel like she’s always been a person whos always been so herself and so eccentric –  it’s very interesting to me. I love to watch all the art projects she puts out, from music videos to photography she’s modeled for. She’s aesthetically pleasing, and I really enjoy her music too. It’s got really good energy.

UU: Other than Gaga, who else is a big inspiration for you musically? Are there artists outside of music that impact your sound?

Isabella: Definitely Abra, I really love her. I get a lot of my dark influences from Portishead, Fiona Apple, and Lana del Rey. There’s also a lot of female artists that inspire me, and I love finding new ones. Outside of music, someone who really inspires me is Salvador Dali, I even own a book of his that I look at a lot. I’ve also written songs inspired by books and movies, so I feel like all sorts of art inspires my music.

UU: When did you even start to release your music, and what made you want to finally put it out?

Isabella: I started releasing music in April of 2017, so it really hasn’t been that long. I first released it the weekend that I went to the Lil Peep show in Boston. Horse Head was there, and me and my friends were talking to him. I mentioned how I made music and he told me I should just post it. Before I had people all the time telling me I should release it, but hearing it from him really inspired me. I finally mustered up the courage to make my SoundCloud and released my first single “Thirst and Hunger.”

UU: So what I think is interesting is that even before you made music you had a following, since you have a Tumblr blog and an Instagram that have been popping off. How has that following affected you? Is there ever a lot of pressure?

Isabella: I really appreciate having a platform on social media, since I’m like always on the internet. It’s really cool to be able to share my music with my followers, and when new people follow me or someone says “I used to follow you on Tumblr, I didn’t realize you made music” it’s a really cool feeling. Although I feel like I should stay active every day, and keep posting and message people back, but I try to make it not too overwhelming for myself.

UU: I feel like a lot of people would like to know how you got the handle @sourapplecider.

Isabella: That wasn’t the name I started my Instagram with, but I wanted to change it one day to make it a little different. It was the Fall, and I was thinking of sour apples and apple cider, and that was that *laughs*

UU: Kind of switching topics here, but is it true you sang for Goth Boi Clique in their tour bus?

Isabella: So this guy that was on tour with them got introduced to me as a singer, so he was like “Oh, you’re a singer? Will you sing in front of Goth Boi Clique right now?” and I’m like “Um I don’t know” and he said “Well I’ll bring you there and you’ll sing!” So I sang in front of them, and I was so nervous. I had my little playback on my phone, it was funny. Tracy and Bighead even put it on their stories.

UU: What was your first concert performance like then?

Isabella: My first show I almost didn’t make it in time cause I just got off work when it started *laughs* I did a quick hop on stage for this one song I did with a friend of mine, and even though it was one song I was still pretty nervous. A month or two after I got to do another show with the same friend where I had my own set. It was really nice.

UU: What has been your favorite memory performing?

Isabella: There’s no like specific memory that I like, but I love when I can see my friends from the stage and they’re singing along and dancing, and taking pics of me. It’s very heartwarming seeing them support me

UU: What is your favorite lyric you’ve ever written?

Isabella: That’s such a hard question, but I really like my lyric in “Thirst in Hunger” where I say “keep you locked inside my ribcage/ leave you safe in my blood cells.” That song is a lot about mental health, so I feel like feeling trapped in someone’s “rib cage” or in someone’s “blood cells”really represents how internal struggles can be.

UU: What about your favorite song that you have ever written?

Isabella: I mean right now I’m listening to all my songs because I’m in the process of finishing my album. I feel like “Intentions” is one of my favorites, and also the song “Girls” too.

UU: Speaking of girls, a lot of people don’t know that you’re bisexual. How has that impacted you?

Isabella: When I was younger is when I noticed I liked both girls and guys. I never was very open about it, but people at school knew even though my family didn’t. It was hard at first to keep that part of myself hidden, but it’s been a while since I’ve been out. I recently made it public on my bio and I think it’s important for me to have it there, since that’s something I want people to know about me.

UU: Let’s talk go back to your album for a bit. You’ve been working on it for a while now, what has the process been like for you?

Isabella: The album doesn’t have a release date, but it’s going to be called Confinement. I’m really excited to share it. I have ten songs on it, all originally written by me on piano. The songs have been produced by lefthandluck and I’m so thankful for him, cause his beats are so amazing. He’s definitely brought the piano to life. Basically I just record my song on piano and send that to him, and he sends it back with his arrangement. It’s been everything that I could envision since I really love the touches he adds to everything.

UU: Someone told me that you’re thinking about going by a different stage name, is that true?

Isabella: Yes! I feel like that although Isabella is my name, I wanted to add a more personal touch to it. My stage name will be Isabella Amarga. Amarga in Portuguese, my native language, means “bitter” or “sour” so I think people can understand why I chose that name *laughs*

UU: Wrapping things up here, anyone you would like to thank?

Isabella Amarga: I would just want to thank Juan, since he’s always been there by my side. I also wanna thank Haley, and honestly anyone who has stuck by my side.

UU: What does 2018 hold for Isabella Amarga?

Isabella Amarga: Well, first of all my album! A lot of visual projects as well, and a lot more shows as well. Just a lot more fun.