POLO – something in the way

Just over 4 months ago, New Zealand artist POLO delivered another exemplary track with the song “something in the way.” A cover of the song off of Nirvana’s classic album Nevermind, POLO takes the classic grunge sound that Nirvana pioneered and mixes it with the bass heavy beats and eerie vocals present in today’s underground.

The song, originally written about a time of homelessness in Kurt Cobain’s life, perfectly captures the introspective thoughts one has when left alone with themselves. Like a stream of consciousness, the lyrics of the song express the raw thoughts of Kurt Cobain and the delivery from POLO first pays homage to the Nirvana singer’s slow, melodic talking-singing before morphing into the auto tuned sound that reigns in the emotional SoundCloud music scene.

Though released more than 25 years apart, the top notch production on this track seamlessly blends the two distinct sounds of the genres , and shows that Nirvana’s legacy in the underground music scene is still alive and strong to this day. Listen to the track here, or press play up above.