You would be hard-pressed to find a producer as ubiquitous as nedarb nagrom. A staple of most people’s introduction into the world of underground rap, his melancholic, lo-fi samples lovingly placed over intricate, well thought-out 808’s have helped to perfect one of the underground’s most recognizable traits.
Since he came to prominence on the scene, in part due to Black Kray’s 2014 song “WHY MAH SOLJUHS CRY,” nedarb has amassed hundreds official songs and collaborations. With a reputation as the helping hand of the underdog, nedarb has succeeded in not only becoming one of the most talented producers, but also one of the most respectable.
nedarb’s music just appears to be one facet of the man’s passions. The short-lived Hopefully It’s Fye is a largely-ignored gem where nedarb and a couple of friends would go and review some okay-looking food. On paper it seems basic, but the camaraderie of the fellas and general disregard for the food reviewing itself makes for an intensely enjoyable viewing experience, especially when one is hungover and trapped in bed after hours of day-drinking the pain away.
Ned’s Place is essentially a longer version of Hopefully it’s Fye where ned and several friends discuss the events of their day, all the while getting progressively drunker and ordering handles of Jim Beam. They dissect humanity, music, and the nature of what it means to be a friend.
I was lucky enough to conduct a brief interview with nedarb through email, and although this is a short one, I hope it gives you some insight into the mind of one of hip-hop’s most genuine voices.

Photo by M2GH2
Underground Underdogs: So what happened to baby gang/ how would you define baby gang?
nedarb: Baby gang started as a joke in 2016 to bring people together ’cause I figured we have all been babies before, so here’s a gang of people where everyone is accepted because we’re all humans. The official lineup was just me and this dude lil donyel. I don’t know where he’s at these days, but shout out to him. I just eventually thought it sounded stupid and corny so I deaded that shit.
Can you tell me about your role in Misery Club?
I’m just a producer in Misery Club. I guess that’s my “role.” Me and Foxwedding handle all the production and the other 4 do the vocals. Simple.
What’s the biggest demand someone has had when buying a beat?
Man, so many dumb ass requests I can’t even name. My biggest pet peeve is when someone tells me to make an **insert artist or other producer** type beat.
Best place to eat on a budget?
I ain’t goin’ out to eat nowhere if I’m on a budget. I just live off ramen.
Drink of choice?
Non-alcoholic, Orangina (aside from water). Alcoholic, a classic sco (whiskey coke) or a tequila pineapple. Depends on how lit I’m tryna get.
Describe the vibe of Cha Cha Lounge.
Lots of red, punk music, cheap strong ass drinks, photo booth, attractive people, cool place to meet people. I don’t know, it’s the best bar in LA.
Who are your dream collaborators, any genre, alive or dead?
I like who I work with. I don’t really care to work with other new people, I just wanna get a Lil B placement and do a song with spaceghostpurrp.
What’s your response to the statement that you revolutionized producing forever?
I didn’t know I did that.
How’d you meet Big Baby Scumbag?
I met Big Baby via Twitter I think. I just fucked with his shit a lot, and I could tell he was OG Based World. He also is an old GBC fan which I had mad respect for. This producer kid named Olop who live in LA also had told me to fuck with him, like back in 2015-2016, and I remember trying to send him beats when I never heard his shit or talked to him, but he just wasn’t vibing with the ones I sent [laughs]. But we are mad cool now and got some stuff planned and in the works.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about you?
I don’t like coffee, don’t offer me Xanax anywhere (not ’cause I will do it but because I don’t like it, and like come on, with everything that’s happened, why would you offer me a Xanax?) I prefer my water room temp. I hate having to take a shit, it’s such a waste of time and always happens to me in the worst times of the day when I’m not at home smh.
Never rap again, or never Tweet again?
Never Tweet again. Fuck Twitter, I only use it ’cause I kinda have to for my career. If I was a more fye producer, I’d be able to not Tweet, but I kinda gotta maintain my persona (which is 100% me). But I feel like people fuck with who I am as a person, so I gotta keep feeding the people what they want.
Favorite beat you’ve made in the past year?
Some unreleased shit from my upcoming album, just stay tuned.
Weirdest DM you can remember?
It was an email, and it was someone who sounded like a stalker begging to be my friend and go to the beach, go on walks, eat picnics and all this extra ass shit. It was like mad paragraphs long and came from some random ass kid, it was just really weird and creepy. But that shit happen a lot, lowkey.
What advice would you give to yourself when you were at your lowest?
Keep drinking… Nah just kidding, don’t do what I used to do. Just watch Tim & Eric.
What do you believe (if anything) separates you from your peers?
I’m lowkey one of the most responsible people I know, regardless of what it may seem like [laughs]. No shade to anyone or my friends, but I feel like people think I don’t have my shit together or am unstable, but I actually really do, all things considered as a 25-year-old. Aside from some mental shit, but that’s everyone (starting therapy this week tho).
Hardest time you’ve laughed that you can remember?
Just being drunk with horse head, WAVY JONE$ and horse head on tour. Shit is jokes.
Any parting words for the readers of Underground Underdogs?
Drink hella water.