Slug Christ’s Abstract Visuals for “All Washed Off” Provoke Introspection

One of the more instrumental based tracks in the collection, “All Washed Off” is included as part of Slug Christ’s 2018 album Judas’ Betrayal and The Three Day Burial of a Salted Slug . Lacking the typical vocal percussions evident in most of the music we hear from Slugger, you’d expect it to also lack some of the depth we get from his typical layering of content. However while this song is certainly more ambient than others, we can still feel the pull of the trance-like emotion evicted through his strung out vocals and spectral beat.

The footage compiled into the video only enhances the message of the track itself. The ghostly repetition of phrases and the disturbingly accurate imagery of his word choice makes the visuals twice as impactful to anyone that can relate to events mentioned in the song.

“I got a problem, I think I got a problem
My head’s broken, and there’s no way I can twist it back on”

Understanding the role of substance abuse in context of appealing to a wider audience is one of my favorite things about Slug Christ. His metaphoric use of the Christian religion creates a less intimidating medium to channel feelings stemming from the loss of control felt under the influence. Slugga told Underground Underdogs earlier this year that, “The Christ concept is something rampant in my work. Ingesting a mountain of drugs, sacrificing my body to be able to tap into an altered consciousness and make some transcendent art. Kind of like, I do this so you don’t have to.”

By grounding these very abstract thoughts in context of widely familiar imagery, Slug Christ empathizes with the listeners’ personal experiences while remaining predominantly abstract. This music video is the perfect accompaniment to the track and can undoubtedly contribute to the listeners understanding of the emotion hidden beneath the lyrics.

Watch the full video for “All Washed Off” down below.