Kenny Hoopla is on the Brink of Stardom with “Lost Cause”

Sometimes you discover an artist and instantly recognize they are on the brink of stardom. Kenny Hoopla is one of these individuals.

With an arsenal of popstar capabilities and the dance moves to match, the Milwaukee singer is an act to remember. In “Lost Cause,” we see Hoopla at his finest. Strutting in abandoned railyards and vandalized ruins, Kenny looks like he belongs on the big screen instead of YouTube. Directors Damien Blue and Cody LaPlant excelled at making a miniature motion picture. Even the color correction makes this video look like a full fledged production instead of the work of a SoundCloud artist with only 1,000 followers.

Yet it’d almost be a crime to put Kenny under the ‘SoundCloud rapper’ category, for he sounds more like a one-man indie band on “Lost Cause.” With production from Yoshi Flower and Danny Parra, snares hit hard and reverbed vocals are muffled as Hoopla paints a picture of self-loathing. We hear poetically indignant lyrics as Kenny seethes about a lover telling him he’s a lost cause. Yet he’s is far from one.

With “Lost Cause,” Kenny Hoopla demonstrates his ability to burst out of Wisconsin and into the spotlight. Until then, make sure to keep your eyes out for Kenny’s upcoming EP, and watch his music video down below.