HOMESICK Is The Cutting Edge Brand From NYC You Should Know About


Throughout the various underground fashion lines on the rise, greatness emerges from within the brand HOMESICK. Based in New York City, HOMESICK has continually grown as a unique brand that does not follow trends. They have steadily carved their own lane with designs that are full of sharp personality and cleverness. HOMESICK strays away from surface level designs when creating graphic pieces, and is instead breaking out of the current high-saturation of street wear brands on the internet by creating unvaried designs.

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The products HOMESICK has put out to the public so far have been astonishing with every piece sure to be a stapled, prize possession for any fashion connoisseurs outfit. From the distorted “We ♥ Our Customers” design as seen used by dry cleaning services, to the fresh “Millionaire Moms Club” bedazzled “Billionaire Boys Club” spin off, HOMESICK is having fun with their creative process and the development has been impressive. We have also seen how in depth the designs can get based off their “Hang The DJ” piece which is a tribute to The Smith’s song “Panic.” The owner of HOMESICK, Owen Rogers, has stated that his mother always played The Smith’s when he was a child. Inspired by her musical taste, Rogers wanted to a create a piece she could wear while he was growing up. To add more significance to the design, Rogers incorporated details such as his birth date and the year “Panic” was released to the garment.

You can collect the next striking piece covered in bullet holes from HOMESICK on November 9th at, and concurrently flaunt the cutting edge character HOMESICK represents. While you’re at it, the $2,000 Juul Skin could be worth investing in.