MIRSY has been turning heads with the amount of hard work she has put in this year, including, but not limited to: the release of her first EP, playing her first show, finishing school with a bachelor’s degree, and now, a new music video. The Los Angeles based artist recently put out death_fm directed visuals for “Not A Sound” off of her thoughts i’ve kept inside EP that are chillingly alluring.
Filmed outside of what seems to be a house in the woods, the video perfectly captures the essence of the song. The ambiance of the location— the bare trees, the leaves on the ground, the gloomy sky — paired with MIRSY’s poetic lyricism create a world that revolves around the feeling of loneliness. As she sings the song’s chorus, “I see them pushing you over now no one’s around, not a single sound,” shots of her standing idly alone are displayed.
Toward the middle of the a song is a breakdown in which MIRSY seems to plea to someone she loves, asking them not leave her. As the melancholic tune plays in the background of her message, the beat is picked up almost instantly after as she continues to pour out her feelings;
I’m feeling withered away // I’m stuck and decayed // my soul feels empty
Following the repetition of the chorus, the song slowly makes its way to a finish. Various displays of MIRSY roaming around the woods as well as close ups of the nature around her are shown once more before the video concludes on one of the same clips it opened with.
With all that she accomplished in 2018, we are excited to see what 2019 has in store for MIRSY. As the year comes to an end, finish it off right by watching the video for “Not A Sound” below.