Incognito Artist Ashton Traitor Shares Visuals for “RESUSCITATE”

Just because Ashton Traitor is faceless doesn’t mean he isn’t instantly recognizable. The anonymous Los Angeles-based artist had an impressively consistent 2018, releasing a slew of his own singles, as well as producing for other artists such as VELVETEARS. The new year is already proving no different, with the release of the single “RESUSCITATE” and accompanying music video.

“RESUSCITATE” is an ode to self doubt and the struggles of personal betrayal. On production by 333 and additional guitar by Anxiety Attacks!, we hear Ashton Traitor’s perfected sluggish vocal delivery. His figure drifts back and forth, blue lights flicker, and heads hang low as Traitor states, “It’s a funny thing when blood turns to enemies.” And just like that, it’s over as quickly as it starts — another video where the only identifiable thing about Ashton Traitor is his ghostly essence.

Ashton told Underground Underdogs that, “I shot [the video] in my garage one night. I had the idea to make a dark, almost eerie, visual to the song and just ran with it. It came to life just how I wanted.” He went on to share that, “I actually have another video that I also shot in my garage, which I’m really excited for, and like 3 more videos already shot that I need to edit/get edited.”

With future singles slated for release, Traitor is also putting together an EP, which will be his first full project to date. Get familiar with the incognito artist: