The World Is Ending with Blvc Svnds “Qatar”

Blvc Svnd is an artist who’s work rate is unstoppable, dropping an array of versatile music on a regular basis. Taking different styles and mannerisms from barbaric screams to smooth vocal melodies, the LA artist has ambidextrous expression. His pre-released song “Qatar” exhibits a much smoother yet fierce flow, and now with a biting new video the track kicks harder than ever.

Teaming up with Indiana based company ‘YS4L Films,’ the video opens up to Svnd in a distinct orange jumpsuit, lurking in a desolately deserted building, rubble filling up the scene in every corner. The dismal setting is almost apocalyptic, with a menacing piano melody ravaging your headphones, foreboding danger ahead. The beat then kicks in, with minimalistic yet punchy percussion crashing into the mix, with Svnds energetic flow riding the track.

Even with his high energy in action, the bars from the rapper stay consistently streaming, with switch ups in flow regularly taking place to keep enticing the listener to stay for more. The visuals stay suiting throughout the track too, fitting every move from stomping over books in an abandoned classroom, to aggressive head banging along to the malicious beat, keeping the intense vitality on full display.

The track and video may be short, but it gets to the point, hits hard and concludes with no warning. This only leaves you wanting to hit that repeat again and again, giving a replay value any artist would kill for.