Domme Kinderen is Creating Bold Pieces for Those Outcasted by Society

Domme Kinderen Funeral Long Sleeve

Made for those outcasted by society, Domme Kinderen is a top tier streetwear brand expressing bold statements through various pieces of clothing. Creator and one man team Gio has been in control of all aspects that involve the identity of Domme Kinderen from photography to production, and all strategic moves involving business. Within the city of Chicago, those who pay attention to streetwear know of Domme Kinderen and would agree that the brand is one of the main leading brands for the city. Just by surfing through Instagram you may have seen some notable artists such as producer Bighead or even Lil Skies sporting Domme Kinderen.

Not only are the phrases and images incorporated within the designs of Domme Kinderen so meaningful to the personal life of Gio, but sharing them through clothing adds more depth to his personal narrative. The layers within the messages can go on and on but some things aren’t worth sharing yet for Gio. However, he does give us some insight on some of the phrases used within his pieces and how the brand had started.

Gio’s approach to his brand is not one of a businessman but of a true artist creating for expression and not wealth, and he has been reaching success by doing so. We got to talk to Gio and ask some questions where he gave us some transparency of what goes on behind the scenes and what’s to come next.

Bighead Wearing Sorry Mom Tee

When did you start Domme Kinderen and what lead up to it?

Domme Kinderen was established in 2014. It was all trial and error making logos/phrases; things like that. My first product didn’t come out until 2015. My first piece went fairly well so I kept going with it. I also formed this phrase that said, “Sorry Mom” on the garments which was under my label. In 2016 I stopped producing “Sorry Mom” pieces and wanted to make it more apparent that the brands name was Domme Kinderen. In 2017 I came up with a acronym tilted into my brand. M.F.T.O.B.S. which stands for, “Made For Those Outcasted By Society”. I also came up with printing the word “Funeral” on garments. Then in 2018, I dropped another piece that said: “Come Out Past Midnight” which is also a collective I use for my brand. I do make it apparent that it’s under my brand’s belt.

Why the name Domme Kinderen and why fashion?

I chose Domme Kinderen ultimately because I know the majority of the people wouldn’t be able to pronounce it. It means stupid children in English but I chose Dutch pronunciation. Since it’s hard to pronounce it people call it DK which is a double entendre for Dumb Kids or Domme Kinderen. I remember reading a passage when I was in Highschool about how Americans view Dutch as uneducated. I was diagnosed with a learning disability so it fits me perfect ultimately mocking everyone who would make fun of me for my situation. Taking a negative aspect of my life and making it positive. I chose fashion as my outlet because I’m not one to express emotions nor my feelings.

Funeral Studded Hoodie

What was the inspiration for your latest drop?

The inspiration was a traumatic event that took place in my life that I’m still not comfortable talking about to the public. The concept of the word “Funeral” means a lot to me, I even got it tattooed on myself. It also makes me happy to see people’s reactions when you wear such a bold statement. It’s things like getting a reaction out of somebody that makes it worth wearing. The fact that you can wear something and have a simple-minded individual get offended by it is a special feeling not only for me but for the person wearing it. The brand Is Domme Kinderen but I release collectives like, “Come Out Past Midnight” and “Funeral” to switch it up a bit.

What’s it like to be a young designer in Chicago?

Being a young designer in Chicago certainly has its pros and cons. It’s nice to see people wearing your stuff in public and having no idea who the person is. It’s nice to have people come up to you or message you admiring your work. Getting discounts at stores or free food Is always a blessing. I also enjoy getting invited to exclusive/private events going on in Chicago. But on the other side of things, everyone will constantly ask you if they can be a model for your stuff. It also seems like a lot of local designers are biting one another so it sucks to see such negativity roam around the field I’m in.

Come Out Past Midnight Hoodie and Long Sleeve

What’s your process like when you’re gonna make a new collection?

I start by making a mock-up on photoshop. I have multiple things I want to make but the hardest part is to pick which design I want to print first. Secondly, I choose the material I want to press on the garment. Things like metal, rhinestones, or specific types of vinyl I don’t have access to in America. I usually buy my materials from a woman in Japan and proceed with my process. 3rd I make sure all my measurements are inline and fit to my liking. Once everything is pressed and printed I get them sealed in vinyl bags. The last thing I do is typically do a photoshoot for the new piece and release them to the public.

Funeral Studded Hoodie

What’s next for Domme Kinderen?

I’m currently working on some PVC patches to sew in my garments. Still working on the placements for that. I have my first collab coming out around May or June with a big chicago company. I dont want to give full details until it happens though. I’m also possibly throwing an event around April or May showcasing some remastered pieces, new accessories and never before seen products.