A tormented voice, a short but dynamic song length, and intense, heart-wrenching lyrics that aim to narrate a time that’s associated with loss and calamity. This is what San Antonio based artist steadysuffer embodies in the song “Don’t Enter Pt.3,” produced by blade901. It’s a recurring theme of built-up angst throughout steadysuffers’ body of work. His leaning towards nostalgic and almost apprehensive lyrics has been successfully showcased time and time again in nearly all his songs, as well as in his in my hands EP.

With emblematic lyrics like “It beats me, telephones, letters, old frames on a night of December,” steadysuffer details lyrics of something that caused an extreme loss-present in this song; there is a yearning for something previously there that is no longer. What that something is exactly, is up for interpretation as he hasn’t explicitly stated the meaning behind the song.
“It’s been a long time, I’m feeling like shit, pick up the gun, now I’m wid it”
With a creative and thoughtful-made flow through the use of climactic and energetic vocals and lyrics, it is also a heavily alt-rock and pop-punk influenced track. steadysuffer commences the song with a slow-beat and guitar chords that are almost grunge-like. He then transitions to lyrics leading up to quickly switching the tempo faster and into louder lyrics. There’s a specific screamo moment in the song that stands out where he pays homage to his artist name, steadysuffer, and screams it. He ends the song with a classic and melancholic vamp-out.
Stream the latest installment of “Don’t Enter” and listen to a song which encapsulates a time that was nothing short of flat-out detrimental.