Infamous for his cockiness and his raspy flows, LA’s rising rap legend Almighty Suspect fires off on a collaborative EP with fellow LA rapper AzChike. The duo go back and forth on each song like they’re quarreling over the mic for a chance to spit more simile-riddled rhymes in their signature aggressive flows. DJ Flipp is responsible for the production on the project, delivering piano-based melodies that provide a colorful, yet stripped-down canvas for the rappers to flex their creative chops on. On May 1st, they released the initial music video from the project for “Get Worked.”

“Get Worked” has Almighty on the hook, with an increasingly in-your-face loop of a few simple lines. Almighty Suspect’s flexing is on-point, using a barrage of metaphors to describe his street credit, his ability in the field, and even the size of his watch. Switching to AzChike’s more lowkey, intimate vocals brings the song to the home of the listener, making them feel like they were present in the studio. “Bitch I ain’t sus I’m just with the sus gurbs,” the layers of LA lingo lining the song is a testament to their roots in west coast culture. Although both artists only have one verse each, it allows the song to be filled with rhyme after rhyme that has the listener recoiling at the vivid wordplay in use.
The visual provided by PasseTape is exactly the scene you would imagine the song was recorded in. The bravado of the lyrics is accentuated by the intensity of the scenes depicted and close-up shots of the rappers in a crowded kitchen filled with strapped-up goons. Almighty Suspect can be seen toting an automatic weapon, flashing his chains, and sporting a brazen red jacket like a west coast Thriller that only adds to the mystique and characterization of the LA rapper. The 3D font seen behind Almighty, with a swinging light gives the impression that he could truly be a madman, a vulture swooping in on unsuspecting prey. Almighty always seems to be 10 steps ahead, and he delivers his verse with an omniscient certainty.
Rising from a kneeling position, it’s then AzChike’s turn on the mic and his introduction comes with another use of the comic-book-esque font displaying his name. Soon after, the beat cuts out, and AzChike’s vocals are reduced to a whisper, commanding all attention and forcing the lister to focus in on his gritty rhymes. Every on-screen moment of AzChike’s is oozing with attitude and disdain for anyone who ever doubted him. It seems like his bars are aimed directly at his opposers, in a way that says “I know you know I know who you are.”
PasseTape’s visual for “Get Worked” is a firsthand glimpse at what life is like for the two LA rappers. The song and visual work seamlessly together creating an immersive experience for the viewer that gives a day-in-the-life look at the two rappers.