How bbno$ and Y2K’s Track “Lalala” Came Together

The duo’s charting single was a result of a rather unexpected series of events

One fateful night in line for the Ariana Grande VIP meet and greet, two strangers began bonding over their fascination with Mrs. Grande. The pair decided they collectively had what it took to write Ariana’s next hit single. These boys were none other than producer Y2Kand Canadian rapper bbno$.

After tirelessly working in the studio for weeks, they finally pitched their song to Ariana’s management team … who unfortunately rejected it promptly. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Bhad Bhabie’s team desperately tried to purchase the song off the boys. After months of unsuccessful negotiations, the two decided to keep the song for themselves.

That song became what is now known as “Lalala,” the first single from Y2k’s debut project, Dream Eater. Stream the track below and follow the artists to be the first to hear their upcoming releases.