Watch The Music Video For DeEtta Jain’s “Bronco”

Dive into the fiery visuals behind Jain’s latest hit

Photo by Annie Brown

Before “Bronco” there was “Neck Sprain,” the debut single of Colorado-born artist DeEtta Jain. The song demonstrated her unique style—its amalgamation of genres spanning between pop, electronic, and lo-fi stylings—while beginning to establish her ambiguous presence. Now, Jain is back with her addictive “Bronco,” solidifying this striking persona with its accompanying video and more pop-influenced sensibility.

Cinematic, the music video (directed by Waylon Kane) follows Jain, clad in a variety of colorful outfits and dystopian makeup, as she flits between locations. Matching the track’s distinct production, courtesy of Koiboy, Jain exudes confidence as she dances. As visuals flicker between reality, VHS, and more distorted edits, Jain commands attention while a mysterious suited man with his intriguing presence is replaced by a chrome mannequin. “I want to be free that’s all // This is ugly and it’s nothing to me I am ten feet tall,” she sings as the tempo builds. Suddenly, the mannequin is ablaze. As the masculine figure burns and breaks down, there’s a feeling of empowerment—Jain no longer competes for shared screen time. 

The song’s meaning is open to interpretation, but with its captivating visuals and unfettered themes, “Bronco” effortlessly captures feelings of restraint and frustration tied into gender binaries. Despite being her second official single, Jain’s sound is self-assured and enriching. Pairing her vibrant style with an enticing alchemization of genres, “Bronco” hints at a handful of exciting directions Jain could take next. 

Watch the music video for “Bronco” below.