A Conversation with sosi


First debuting her music in 2015, singer/songwriter sosi has ingrained herself in the underground with her introspective lyrics and her powerful, emotive voice. Working alongside members of Team SESH for many of her songs, sosi is also well known as a gamer who has a solid fanbase on the popular streaming website Twitch. Despite a following of over 10k on SoundCloud and being a close friend and affiliate of some of the most noteworthy names in the scene, little is known about the woman with only her contact info in her bio. We got the opportunity to talk to sosi as she hints at upcoming releases, breaks down how she would survive the zombie apocalypse, why she prefers to be a solo artist, and much more.

UU: I’m really curious, how did you get the name sosi?

sosi: I was just thinking through what sounded nice to say, and sosi came mind. There’s no particular meaning other than maybe like a foreseen kind of vibe like “so, see?” but spelled.. sosi. I’ve gotten a lot of Russian feedback for it, because I guess it means “to suck” in Russian. *laughs*

I like that a lot! So where are you from?

I’ve moved around quite a bit.I was born in San Diego, CA and moved between there and Reno, NV for the beginning of my life, then when I was about 10, I moved to Rockford, IL which is where I stayed for the rest of my child and teen years.

Did moving around a lot make things difficult growing up?

I didn’t really understand why it was happening at the time because I was so young. I just kind of went with it and tried to do my best with the situation.

So when did you start pursuing music?

I started music at a very young age. With everything going on around me as a kid, music was kind of my other world to escape to. I was able to use a piano when I moved to IL, and really took off with that. Eventually I got a guitar as well and started singing along with my music and… here we are.

So although you started music at a young age, when did you first release music under sosi?

I released my own music first through sosi. I was very private about my music before that.

And when was this? 2015?

Yep, when I dropped this is the thing in 2015.

And when you dropped this is the thing were you expecting to receive the recognition that you did?

I didn’t expect ANYTHING. When I woke up the next day to my phone blowing up and a call from drip saying that people were writing about it and all that…I was shocked.

Thats awesome. Let’s actually talk about your connection with Team SESH for a second. How far back does that go?

Well, they’ve supported me since i released this is the thing in the beginning… I owe a lot to them.

Did you know any of them before this is the thing?

A few of the members, yeah. We chatted maybe a month before the release.

So what’s it been like working with all them?

With most of the team, we were friends before we worked with each other, so it was pretty easy to bounce off of one another to create something that sounded nice. It’s been a good experience.

What’s been your favorite collaboration ever?

Hmm… probably these up and coming songs that velvetears and I are dropping. I had so much fun collabing with her.

I’m really looking forward to that. Are you working on any full projects?

Me too! Yeah, I’ve been working on an album that I’d like to put out sometime this year.


A lot of people of people including myself were wondering about some of your musical influences?

My influences have to be Daughter and Corbin. I try not to let myself get TOO influenced by people though – that way I can maintain my own sound.

Do you ever find yourself drawing inspiration from art other than music?

Not particularly. I get a lot of inspiration from anime and how it makes me feel. I’ll get super into the story and write from different character’s perspectives.

Someone mentioned that you were a big gamer as well? What are some of your favorite games? Are you more of an FPS type of gal or more so RPG?

I love playing games! My favorite games are Overwatch, Fortnite, both Splatoons, all Mario Kart games, and horror games are always fun. And I like both! I usually tend to go to FPS games the most though.

On the topic of video games, what would your zombie apocalypse survival plan be?

Well, my weapon choices would be a shotgun, sniper, and super sharp katana, go to all ammo stores and stock up, commandeer a grocery store with my family and friends, and then hide out there.

And when you’re not making music, playing video games, or fighting zombies what are some of your favorite pastimes?

I like to read, make art, walk in nature, learn about what I don’t know already, play soccer and sleep.

I’m curious what the writing process is like for you. How do you write lyrics? Are you able to write in a studio, or do you need to be alone? Where do you draw your lyrical inspiration from?

Sometimes I just write poetry and it’ll fit with a song, or I’ll write along with music as well. I can write anywhere.. alone or with people. i like doing both. inspiration usually comes from life circumstances, past and present, or anime, or sometimes even my dreams.

What would you say your favorite lyric/verse is and why?

Oh man… I don’t even know. Probably something by Bright Eyes or My Chemical Romance? But even still, more artists lyrics come to mind… I guess I’ll go with Bright Eyes lyrics though.
When he says in Road to Joy “Well I could have been a famous singer, if I had someone else’s voice. But failures always sounded better. Let’s fuck it up boys, make some noise.” That was fucking incredible. It made me not care so much about how my voice sounded so much, and kind inspired me to own what I can do with my voice.

What would you say your favorite lyric is that you’ve written yourself?

“Danced with the devil’s breeze
Brought down to our knees
By our greed
I want something sweet
Left for what i’ll leave
Behind me
All the bliss and blindness
Leaving us divided
Left our own side
They can run and they hide
Well let them find me”

In this song [savingthisbecauseyoudidntknowhow] I was talking about how we as humans have treated the planet (nature specifically). We’ve kind of abandoned everything that doesn’t directly serve us, in my opinion. But in reality, by doing this we’re hurting ourselves ultimately. I want the people who come after me to experience the beauty and peace in the world that I’ve been able to witness, but it’s getting ruined piece by piece every day by carelessness and mainly greed.

Do you find you write lyrics that have similar political/activist themes?

This is my only song where I was writing with the intention of making a political point. If any of my other lyrics are taken that way, it’s not a problem though. I like to give people space to connect with my lyrics however they feel is right for them.


Switching topics here, a couple people were wondering if you are officially Team SESH? Some people are adamant you are, where others say you aren’t.

While I have friendships with a lot of them members, I’m not on Team SESH. I’m a solo artist who has never had a team or manager or anything. This has all been me.

And do you plan on continuing to be solo, or do collectives appeal to you at all?

I like how it’s been going as a solo artist. So I think, for now, I’d like to stay that way. If something comes along that better suits me, then I’d be open to it as well.

I would imagine people treat you differently as a solo female artist. Have there ever been moments where you knew you were being mistreated simply because you are a woman in the underground?

Of course. Being a woman in the the underground scene is not an easy task. I’ve had people take away opportunities just because I wouldn’t sexualize myself and be someone who I’m just not. Unfortunately, it seems you have to give more than your talent and honest hard work to make it as a female artist. For me, it’s going to be different. I don’t want my body to be the reason behind my success, I want it to be my music. I think that’s why it’s taken me a little longer to make it. Thankfully, I’m not the kind of person who enjoys short cuts, and I’m not going to sexualize myself to get where I want to be. All the work I’ve done has been on my own and it isn’t tainted with me having to give up parts of myself that I don’t feel comfortable with. I’ve given only my music, and that makes everything that’s happened thus far so much more fulfilling.

What would your advice be to an aspiring female artist, or just aspiring musicians in general?
I know it’s cliche, but to just be yourself. Don’t let anyone sway you or make you feel like you need to fit into a certain category. Just unapologetically be the best you that you can be, and let the rest fall into place.

Looking forward into the new year what can we expect from you? Also, is there anything you can tell us about new releases or your project?

I’m unleashing my potential this year. I’ve been very low key since I started, but I’m here to make waves in music this year. I’m sitting on a lot of unreleased music – these songs are some of my favorite tunes I’ve made. I can’t wait to share them with everyone. My album is something that’s very personal and dear to me. I’ve been putting my heart and soul and everything I am into it. I’m very excited to see how people connect with it.

We can’t wait! Do you have a final message for your fans, or anyone you want to thank?

I’d like to thank my boyfriend drip-133, and the rest of Team SESH for supporting me. I’d like to thank every single producer I’ve worked with for inspiring me with their music and letting me sing along with their talent. I wanna thank those in the group call that have stuck with me since the beginning, you know who you are and I love you. Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me through this. Day one listeners or new listeners, I appreciate you and thank you.