Before landing production credits on a Billboard charting album and directing an Elevator hosted music video, Steezefield began as a small but promising standou...
WolfUzi is a young Producer, Rapper, and Singer originally from South Carolina currently living in Houston Texas. Wolf is warm and sweet and easy to talk to, b...
Twenty-three-year-old artist Retro Hills is making mainstream quality music within the underground setting, and it is prominently definite in his single “Leisur...
The name: Miyamoto ( Kevin Hung )
The sound: hypnotic nightmares of elusive beats.
The underground scene is filtered with a vast amount of producers striving for greatness paired with coinciding remarkable grinds. However, many culminate s...
Instead of relying on purchasing tracks and searching for specific sonic dynamics, artists simply have begun producing for themselves. Dylan Brady, Lil Soda...
Hailing from North Virginia, Pearl White is a veteran producer who has gained a following thanks to his eerie, moody beats. Although his discography runs ve...
When I asked the reserved and enigmatic producer killedmyself if he would be willing to sit for an interview, he graciously agreed. At UU, interviews are us...