Humanity’s search for meaning has been at the forefront of the human conscious since before modern civilization. The belief in a greater purpose for our ex...
From within the depths of Anti-World has emerged the collective’s next rising star, Chris Vayle. The 17 year old Memphis native has achieved a staggering le...
Music has always been at the heart of Hispanic culture, coming from both the musical traditions of the Spanish and the native civilizations of Central and South...
“I think the main theme of my upcoming project is introducing myself as an artist. I think is going to have a variety of music in it – I think it portrays my...
Music duo prettyinpink have stayed fairly low-key for the past year, steadily releasing tracks from the depths of SoundCloud. Hailing from Colorado, the gro...
Just over 4 months ago, New Zealand artist POLO delivered another exemplary track with the song "something in the way." A cover of the song off of Nirvana’s c...
Underground singers sadeyes and guccihighwaters have come together, lending their voices on the emotionally charged track "Mi Amor." The heartbroken sound the...
More than a year ago, burgeoning singer CELESTIA released “sucky notes”, her first first original song on SoundCloud. Her dreamy vocals quickly garnered her...